PORTAL: Placeholder Links

What are Placeholder Links?

Placeholder Links are 'shortcut' links that can be used in Portal Pages, Announcements, Project Updates, Notices, etc. These links will automatically know which Contact is logged into the Portal and link them to the correct place.

Where can I set Placeholder Links?

From the CRM > Contacts list you can select from Options and choose Set Placeholder Links

From here you will see a pop-up dialogue that will display the available Placeholder Links for that particular Client.

Some of the Placeholder Links are static, meaning they'll always take you to the same place, while others are dynamic. The dynamic Placeholder Links allow you to make a choice about where this particular Client will be redirected when they click the generic link.

Dynamic Placeholder Links


For example, with /your-project 

By default, Show the most recent Project will be selected. This means that if the Client has Projects assigned, then the Project with the most recent creation date will be selected and shown when /your-project is loaded.

You can also choose to Show Projects Page which will show the general Project's list page.

Or, you can choose a specific Project from the list.