OFFICE: File Attachments for Invoices / Estimates / Proposals

File Attachments for Invoices

To get started, navigate to Office > Invoices. Find the Invoice you would like to work with and click Options. Then select Attached Files.

This allows you to view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and/or attach additional files to the Invoice.

You can also click View to see how the attachments look on the Invoice itself. On the right, it will show you how many files have been attached and when you click View Attached Files you can view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and attach additional files.

CLICK HERE for more info on how to add an attachment while creating an Invoice

File Attachments for Estimates

To get started, navigate to Office > Estimates. Find the Estimate you would like to work with and click Options. Then select Attached Files.

This allows you to view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and/or attach additional files to the Estimate.

You can also click View to see how the attachments look on the Estimate itself. On the right, it will show you how many files have been attached and when you click View Attached Files you can view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and attach additional files.

If you convert the Estimate to an Invoice any attached files will stay with it and then be attached to the newly converted Invoice.

CLICK HERE for more info on how to add an attachment while creating an Estimate

File Attachments for Proposals

To get started, navigate to Office > Proposals. Find the Proposal you would like to work with and click Options. Then select Attached Files.

This allows you to view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and/or attach additional files to the Proposal.

You can also click View to see how the attachments look on the Proposal itself. This will open up the Proposal.

If you have already attached files you will see a button on the left side labeled Attached Files that will allow you to view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and/or attach additional files to the Proposal.

If you convert the Proposal to an Invoice any attached files will stay with it and then be attached to the newly converted Invoice.

CLICK HERE for more info on how File Attachments