Managing FLOW Assignments & Submissions
How do I manage FLOW assignments?
For On-Demand FLOWs, you can manage which Contacts are currently assigned to it.
TIP: This option is not available for On-Boarding FLOWs. However, you can delete an On-Boarding FLOW and automatically unassign all Contacts in the process.
Navigate to Onboarding>FLOWs in the main menu.
Click the Options menu button beside the On-Demand FLOW, and select Manage Assignments.
Manage Assignments: Assign/un-assign Contacts to the FLOW. Note: This option is only available for On-Demand FLOWs.
Select a Contact from the dropdown menu to assign an On-Demand FLOW to them. All current Contacts who are assigned to the FLOW will be shown at the bottom.
You can un-assign a Contact by clicking the icon beside their name. You can also filter assigned contacts by entering a name into the search field.
How do I manage FLOW submissions?
Once your FLOW has been assigned to a user, you will be able to view their progress as well as manage any submissions.
CLICK HERE to learn about creating and assigning FLOWs
To see a list of which users have been assigned the FLOW and view their progress, go to Onboarding>FLOWs in the main menu.
Click the Options menu button and choose Status / Submissions.
This will bring you to a list of users who have been assigned the FLOW including the assigned date, last of the last activity, and which Step they are currently on.
Click the Options menu button and select View Progress on the user you would like to view.
Their progress for each Step will be shown. Any content provided can be viewed by clicking on the Step name.
If a Read & eSign Step is part of the FLOW, you can view their signature by clicking on that Step. You can also use the buttons below the signer to Print or Download the eSignature along with the body contents of the document, respectively.
For a File Upload Step, you can click the icons beside the file name and size to either download or view a preview of the file, respectively.
For a Form Step, you can view the submitted responses of each question.
For a Checklist Step, you can view the progress of the checklist by clicking the View Progress button
There will be a green tick next to each Checklist Item that has been completed.
If any step has 'Allow this FLOW step to be skipped' toggled, the user can skip to the next step. A green tick will not show next to any step that was skipped
If the user is still working on the FLOW or Checklist Step, any step or item not yet completed will not show a green tick.