PROJECTS: Work Requests

What is a Work Request?

A Work Request is a document that your Client submits to request the work that they would like to be done. It's similar to putting in an order for your Staff to complete. The Work Request will provide the information you need to get started, then can easily convert it into either an Estimate or Invoice, as well as a Project.

Work Request Setup and Types

To use the Work Request functionality, you'll want to set up a few things first.

Navigate to Projects > Settings, and click the Work Request Setup tab in the sidebar menu.

General Work Request Settings

Check the options you want. Be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page once all your changes have been made.

Disable Work Request functionality for Clients: Checking this box will remove the Work Request Menu Item and will prevent them from making a Work Request. If you check this you will not be able to Staff Submit Work Requests.

Allow Client to choose from their existing Projects: Checking this box will allow your Client to apply the Work Request to an existing Project.

Allow Client to attach files to Work Requests: Checking this box will allow your Client to attach files to their Work Requests when they submit them.

Attach files to Work Requests is mandatory: If you toggle this ON your Client will be forced to attach files in order to submit the Work Request.

Change Status to 'Closed' when a Work Request is Converted to: You can choose either Project or Estimate or Invoice from the dropdown menu.

Set Task Status to the following when a Work Request is converted into a Task: You choose either: Open, Assigned, Working, Review, Follow Up, or On Hold.

Work Request Type

You can choose to set Work Requests as Itemized or Free Form.

For Itemized Work Requests you will need to choose your Payment Gateway.

You can choose to require immediate payment after submitting the Work Request. In this case, the Work Request will not be generated until payment is complete. If you require immediate payment you will not be able to Staff Submit Work Requests.

IMPORTANT: If you require immediate payment, an Invoice will be generated for the Client. This Invoice will NOT be visible on the Staff side until payment is complete.

For Free Form Requests you have a couple of options.

You can choose to remove the ability for Contacts to create Work Request Items. They will only be able to use the Items that you have added to the Work Request Items list in Settings. 

You can also choose to allow Work Request Items to be created, without making it a requirement. This allows your Contact to have the most flexibility when creating a Work Request. 

Work Request Notifications

Here you can choose who will receive a notification when a Work Request is submitted.

Work Request Items

Work Request Items are services you provide that a Client can choose from. These Items operate in a similar manner to Invoice/Estimate Items - so that when a Work Request is converted into either an Estimate or Invoice, the Items are directly transferred as billable Items.

When a Work Request is converted to a Project, Items are created as Tasks inside the Project.

To create Work Request Items, navigate to Projects > Settings.

Click the Work Request Items tab in the sidebar menu, then click the +Add Work Request button.

Give your Work Request Item a Name and Price, and optionally add a Description.

You can also Assign Circle(s) to the Work Request Item.
By default, all Clients who are permissioned to create Work Requests are able to choose from any Work Request Item that is created. If you assign a Circle, then only the members of that Circle will be able to see and choose that Item for their Work Request.

Once added, the Item will be immediately available for Clients to select when submitting new Work Requests (if permissioned).

Staff Submit

Navigate to Projects > Work Requests and click on the + Work Requests button.

You will be prompted to fill out a few fields. Work Request Subject and Contact are required fields. You will be submitting this Work Request on behalf of one of your Contacts.

Once you have filled in the description,  requested due date, and any special customizations you will have space to upload files to the Request (if you have that option enabled in Work Request Settings).

If this option is enabled in Settings you will not be able to Staff Submit a Work Request.

If this option is enabled you will also not be able to Staff Submit a Work Request. You can edit these settings by going to Projects > Settings > Work Request Setup.

What does the Client see?

A Client can submit a new Work Request by navigating to Projects > Work Requests and clicking on the +Work Requests button.

They will then be prompted to fill out a few fields.

They are also given space to  upload files to the Request if you have that option enabled in Work Request Settings.

Your Client will also be able to choose Work Request Items that you have created from the Items List dropdown menu. Once an Item is added they will be able to adjust the quantity.

If immediate payment is required for the Work Request, the Client will be prompted to pay an Invoice after clicking the Submit Work Request button.

Managing Work Requests

Once a Work Request has been submitted, you will be able to see it in your list when you navigate to Projects > Work Requests.

Here you can manage your Work Requests by clicking on the Options menu button.

You can View or Edit the details of the Work Request, and can also Delete it. Note: This cannot be undone.

If you Archive a Work Request it will be moved to the Archive Tab under Work Requests.

Attached Files allows you to view files that are currently attached, download the attached files, and/or attach additional files to the Request. You can also view these files by clicking on the Work Request itself. 

If you convert the Work Request any attached files will stay with it.

Work Requests can be in one of two statuses, Open or Converted.

Open means that the Work Request is still available to be converted into an Estimate/Invoice or a Project.

After the first choice of conversion, the Work Request will remain in Open status.

For example, let's say you receive a Work Request and convert it into an Estimate. The Client receives the Estimate and approves it, which automatically converts it into an Invoice. Once the Invoice is paid, you are now ready to start the Project - so you can convert the Work Request into a Project.

IMPORTANT: The Work Request will only show as Converted when it has been converted into both an Estimate/Invoice AND a Project.

Converting Work Requests

When you choose to Convert a Work Request, you will be prompted to select from a dropdown menu.

Existing Invoice: Apply the Work Request to an existing Invoice. A second dropdown menu will appear in which you can choose the Invoice.

New Estimate: Create the Work Request as a new Estimate. You will be redirected to the +Add Estimate page with the details already populated.

Existing Estimate: Apply the Work Request to an existing Estimate. A second dropdown menu will appear in which you can choose the Estimate.

New Project: Create the Work Request as a new Project. A second dropdown menu will appear in which you can apply a Task Template.

CLICK HERE to learn about Task Templates

Existing Project: Apply the Work Request to an existing Project. A second dropdown menu will appear in which you can choose the Project. Note: It will only populate Projects that are related to the same Client.

How do I only show the Work Requests Menu Item to Clients?

To modify the Menu so that the Projects is hidden, but Work Request is still available, navigate to Flyout Menu > Custom Menus.

Click the  icon next to Projects, and toggle the Client to OFF.

Then, click the  icon next to Projects to open the list of Sub-Menu Items. Click the  icon next to Work Requests.

Ensure that Client is toggled to ON.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Custom Menus