Availability for Appointments

What is Blocking Availability for Appointments?

When you are assigned an  Appointment Type you set your weekly Availability and that remains the same every week. But sometimes you will have the need to make exceptions to that standard weekly availability. For these scenarios, you can use the Block Availability feature!

How do I block Availability for my Appointment Types?

To get started, navigate to any Calendar-related link - My Calendar, Appointment Types, etc. and look for the Block Availability tab.

Just click the Block Availability tab to open the sidebar.

Then, use the Window selections to indicate when you will not be available. You can rename the Window(s) by typing where it says Window Group.

After you've chosen the Window(s) in which you will not be available and named them then you can choose which Appointment Type(s) should be blocked for the Window(s).

How can I block multiple Windows?

If you need to block several Windows out into the future, you can easily just add new Window Groups and customize each one as needed.

CLICK HERE to learn about Appointment Types & Availability

What is Limit Availability for Appointments?

When you are assigned an  Appointment Type you set your weekly Availability and that remains the same every week. But what if you have a slow week or you're just starting out and your Calendar seems too empty? That's where Limit Availability comes in.

You can set the % of time you want to Look Busy on your Calendar and Auto-Block Availability

How do I Limit Availability for my Appointment Types?

To get started, navigate to  Calendar > Appointment Types > Options >  Limit Availability.

Then, determine the % of time you want to Look Busy. The platform will randomly hide that percentage of available slots for this Appointment Type.

There is also an option to Auto-Block Availability for certain Appointment Types:

Based on Google Calendar Events: Enabling this option will auto-block this Appointment Type from being offered on days/times that conflict with Google Calendar Events. This means that the platform will not display time slots for this Appointment Type during time frames that will conflict with Events on the assigned Staff member's connected Google Calendar.

Based on CRM Events with the same Assignee: Enabling this option will auto-block this Appointment Type from being offered on days/times that conflict with Events created by this platform. This means that the platform will not display time slots for this Appointment Type during time frames that will conflict with platform Events assigned to the same Staff member to which this Appointment Type is assigned. 

CLICK HERE to learn about CRM Events

Based on other Appointments with the same Assignee: Enabling this option will auto-block this Appointment Type from being offered on days/times that conflict with other Appointments assigned to the same Staff member. This means that the platform will not display time slots for this Appointment Type during time frames that will conflict with Appointments assigned to the same Staff member to which this Appointment Type is assigned.

CLICK HERE to learn about Appointment Types & Availability

You can Limit Availability for each Appointment Type and choose a different "Look Busy" Configuration for each one as well.