Canceling your Subscription

How do I cancel my SuiteDash subscription?

IMPORTANT: We cannot cancel your subscription for you. Please understand that until you take this action to cancel your account, your credit card will continue to be charged.

We're sad to see you go! If there is no way to change your mind, here is how you can cancel your subscription and deactivate your account.

Navigate to Flyout Menu > Manage Account.

Click Cancel Subscription at the bottom of the page in the Overview tab.

A confirmation modal will appear with an optional feedback prompt. You can use this opportunity to tell us why SuiteDash didn't work for you, and how we can improve our platform.

IMPORTANT:  If you had Power-Ups active in your account, they will also be immediately canceled and set to inactive.  If you had the Hosted Video Subscription, you have up to14 days to reactive your account or all uploaded videos will  be deleted and will be non-recoverable.

Once you are ready to close your account, click the Yes button.

Sadly we will part ways, but we hope that you'll come back to us one day and use the Resubscribe feature to gain access to your account again.

CLICK HERE to learn about to Resubscribe