Credit Card Vaulting

What is Credit Card Vaulting?

Credit Card Vaulting allows you to securely "vault" your Contact's credit cards using reliable enterprise-level technologies paired with military-grade PGP encryption. You can then easily and securely retrieve the complete credit card number, expiration date, and security code. It is 100% PCI Compliant, which means that this feature complies with the technical and operational standards set forth to secure and protect credit card data stored and transmitted. The PCI standards for compliance are provided by the PCI Security Standards Council.

Credit Card Vaulting is similar to Stored Payment Information, in which you can allow your Contact to enter their credit card information and have it securely stored. However, in this case, the information is completely independent of the Payment Gateway, and can simply be viewed instead of having to be applied to an Invoice. You can also use this feature for both Prospects and Clients.

You can send a request to the Contact to have them enter the information themselves or you can enter the information yourself if authorized by the Client. The process of submitting is secured by bank-level encryption. Then, the information is stored and protected in a third-party token "vault".

CLICK HERE to learn about Granular Permissions for the Credit Card Vault

CLICK HERE to learn about Stored Payment Information

How do I use Credit Card Vaulting?

Navigate to  CRM > Contacts.

Click the Options menu beside the Contact you would like to store credit card information for and select Credit Card Vault.

A modal will appear in which you can choose to add the information manually or send a request.

Add Manually

If the Contact authorizes your business to store their payment information you can add it yourself.

A modal will appear in which you can enter the Contact's credit card information.

Request Card

Having the Contact input the information themselves is the recommended method, as this ensures that you and your Staff Members never see their data.

You can customize the message your Contact will receive. You'll need to specify how many days the request link is valid before it expires.

Once the Contact has filled in their Credit Card information all Roles that have been given access to send a Vault Request will receive an email notifying them that this has been completed.

You can edit who will receive that email by editing the Credit Card Vault Access. Go to Office > Settings > Credit Card Vault to make those changes.

To customize the message your Staff will receive when a credit card has been added to the Vault go to Flyout Menu > Email Templates > Invoices > Client added credit card vault.

Once you have made your changes make sure to click Save or the message will reset to the default as seen on the right.

What does the Contact See?

Your Contact will receive an email with a unique link. When clicked, they will be directed to a page in which they can enter their credit card details.

This link does not require the Contact to log in. They simply fill out the information and click the  Save Info button.

You can also customize the contents of the Payment Request Email in  Email Templates.

CLICK HERE to learn about Email Templates

How do I view a Vaulted Credit Card?

Navigate to CRM > Contacts.

Click the Options menu button for the Contact and select Credit Card Vault.

The saved card(s) will be selectable by Label with part of the card number hidden on the initial view.

Click View to view the full credit card information.

How do I set granular permissions for Credit Card Vaulting?

You can set granular permissions for which Roles, Teams, or Staff Members are able to perform specific actions as it relates to the Credit Card Vault.

To set these permissions, Navigate to Office > Settings and click on the Credit Card Vault tab.

On this view, you can set the permissions for specific actions to a Role, Team, or a specific Staff Member.

Assign to Roles - With this toggle active, you can set permission to the Super Admin, Admin, Project Manager, Office Manager, and Salesperson.

Assign to Staff or Teams - With this toggle active, you can set permission to individual Staff Members or Teams

Can send vault request to contact

This setting will allow the set Role, Team, or Staff Member to send a Credit Card Vault Request to a Contact. This can be done by navigating to CRM > Contacts and clicking the Options menu beside the Contact you would like to store credit card information for and selecting Credit Card Vault.

Can manually add credit card info to vault

This setting will allow the set Role, Team, or Staff Member to manually enter a Credit Card for a Contact. This can be done by navigating to  CRM > Contacts and clicking the Options menu beside the Contact you would like to store credit card information for and selecting Credit Card Vault.

Can retrieve/view credit card data from vault

This setting will allow the set Role, Team, or Staff Member to have access to a Credit Card stored in the Vault. This can be done by navigating to  CRM > Contacts and clicking the Options menu beside the Contact you would like to retrieve a credit card for and selecting Credit Card Vault.

Can delete credit card data from vault

This setting will allow the set Role, Team, or Staff Member to have the ability to delete a Credit Card stored in the Vault. This can be done by navigating to   CRM > Contacts and clicking the Options menu beside the Contact you would like to delete a credit card for and selecting Credit Card Vault. There will be an icon that when clicked will delete the vaulted card.

How do I assign Automations?

You can preset Automations to trigger when a card is added to the vault and/or when a card is removed from the vault.  Go to  Office > Settings and click the 'Configure Automations' button for each option.

CLICK HERE to learn about your No Code Automations.