Sales Funnel Builder

What is the Sales Funnel Builder?

The Sales Funnel Builder is a flexible and robust add-on that will enable powerful new options in multiple areas of the platform. This article walks you through how to use it with LMS.

You’ll be able to create 2-Step or 3-Step Funnels that will give you multiple options to offer (free or paid) a specific resource like an LMS Product as the “desired product/service”. This means you can build out an arsenal of publicly available (non-logged) Sales/Onboarding Funnels each one directly associated with a specific asset and completely customized as to how each target is onboarded.

You can use your Custom URL + "Friendly URLs" to create a completely White Label link to your Landing Page ~ OR ~ use the "Embed" functionality to embed the Landing Page into your existing website. Specify a unique "Start Experience" based on your particular needs. Custom "Thank You" pages, or "Welcome" pages can be used as a one-time Start Page, but then revert back automatically to the standard Start Page logic.

Future applications are planned with Appointments, Proposals, Projects, Support Tickets, Membership Plans, and Communities.

IMPORTANT: This feature is currently only available as part of the PRIME Bundle Power-Up which can be purchased from your account by going to Flyout Menu > Manage Account > Power-Ups. 

How do I get to the Sales Funnel Builder?

To access the Sales Funnel Builder with LMS go to LMS > Products. Then select the Product you would like to add a Sales Funnel to.

Once you are in a Product you will see the Sales Funnel Builder on the right-hand side. Select it to Configure your Sales Funnel.

IMPORTANT: This will only be visible to the Super Admin role. If you do not have the PRIME Bundle Power-Up the Sales Funnel Builder will still show up, but when you click on it you will be directed to manage your Power-Ups since you do not have access to this feature without the PRIME Bundle

You will also notice that right underneath the Sales Funnel Builder is Product Pricing, which allows you to set a pricing structure for your Product. We will come back to Product Pricing after setting up the Sales Funnel. 

How do I set up the Sales Funnel Builder?

After clicking on the Sales Funnel Builder you will choose from a Three-Step Funnel or a Two-Step Funnel. 

The Three-Step Funnel consists of a Landing Page, Checkout Page, and Thank You Page. The Two-Step Funnel includes the Checkout Page on the Landing Page so as soon as you checkout you will be directed to the Thank You Page.

Three-Step Funnel


You can remove/edit the current Blocks and add new types of Blocks. Hover over the Blocks to reveal additional actions you can take.

CLICK HERE to learn about Block Types

Be as creative as you want to be while setting up your Landing Page! 

IMPORTANT: An Offer Block is required on a Landing Page. You will not be able to Save and move to the next step unless you add an Offer Block to the page. 

Here is an example of a finished Landing Page made using a Single Image Block, Video Blocks, Offer Block, Text Blocks, and Checkout Block. This will automatically populate when you enter the Sales Funnel Builder. You can change it as much or as little as you would like.

Once you've finished setting up your Landing Page you will move to the options on the right. 

Preview allows you to view the Landing Page as your customers will see it. Click Back to Editor to return to edit mode.

Styling Options allows you to edit the global design. 

Onboarding allows you to set the Role if the Target is Unkown. Please keep in mind that if you intend to charge for this Product you will need to set the Unknown Target as a Client. You can then Configure specific Automations for Known and Unkown Roles.

CLICK HERE to learn about No-Code Automations

Link / Embed gives you options on how you want to share or embed this Page.

Direct Link: Use the direct link to share your LMS Sales Funnel in emails and socials.

Embed Code: Use the Embed code to embed the LMS Sales Funnel on external web pages.

Copy to your Clipboard: Clicking this button will copy the link so you can paste it elsewhere.

Display QR Code: Click this button to download a PNG or SVG option of the QR Code.

Once you have Saved all of your changes make sure to click Save Draft at the top of the page before moving on to the Checkout Page.


The Checkout Page looks very similar to the Landing Page. You can add/remove Blocks and Rows. While the Landing Page requires an Offer Block, the Checkout Page requires a Checkout Block. You will not be able to Publish your Sales Funnel without it. 

Preview, Styling Options, and Onboarding are the same as on the Landing Page. Any changes you make to Styling Options and Onboarding here will be changed for the whole Sales Funnel.


You can edit the Thank You Page just as you did the Landing Page and Checkout Page before it. Any changes made to Styling Options and Onboarding here will affect the whole Sales Funnel, not just this page.


Start Page: Standard Start experience. Unknown Target completes their sign-up and is directed to the Dashboard or their assigned Start Page.

My Courses + Start Page: Unkown Target is first directed to their Courses. Any logins following the first one will direct them to the Dashboard or their assigned Start Page.

Custom Page + Start Page: Unkown Target is directed to a Custom Portal Page you created that welcomes/introduces them to the Product/Courses. Following logins will direct them to the Dashboard or a different assigned Page. 

CLICK HERE to learn about Portal Pages

CLICK HERE to learn about assigning a Start Page

As you are working you can Save Draft. When you're finished setting it up click PUBLISH.

Two-Step Funnel


This functions exactly as the Three-Step Builder does. You can remove/edit the current Blocks and add new types of Blocks. Hover over the Blocks to reveal additional actions you can take.

CLICK HERE to learn about Block Types

IMPORTANT: An Offer Block AND a Checkout Block are required on a Landing Page in the Two-Step Funnel. You will not be able to Save and move to the next step unless you add BOTH Blocks to the page. 

Here is an example of a finished Landing Page made using a Single Image Block, Video Blocks, Offer Block, Text Blocks, and Checkout Block. This will automatically populate when you enter the Sales Funnel Builder. You can change it as much or as little as you would like.

Preview, Styling Options, Onboarding, and Link / Embed are all on the right side just as they are with the Three-Step Funnel.  

Preview allows you to view the Landing Page as your customers will see it. Click Back to Editor to return to edit mode.

Styling Options allows you to edit the global design. 

Onboarding allows you to set the Role if the Target is Unkown. Please keep in mind that if you intend to charge for this Product you will need to set the Unknown Target as a Client. You can then Configure specific Automations for Known and Unkown Roles.

CLICK HERE to learn about No-Code Automations

Link / Embed gives you options on how you want to share or embed this Page.


You can edit the  Thank You Page just as you did the Landing Page before it. Any changes made to Styling Options and Onboarding here will affect the whole Sales Funnel, not just this page.


Start Page: Standard Start experience. Unknown Target completes their sign-up and is directed to the Dashboard or their assigned Start Page.

My Courses + Start Page: Unkown Target is first directed to their Courses. Any logins following the first one will direct them to the Dashboard or their assigned Start Page.

Custom Page + Start Page: Unkown Target is directed to a Custom Portal Page you created that welcomes/introduces them to the Product/Courses. Following logins will direct them to the Dashboard or a different assigned Page. 

CLICK HERE to learn about Portal Pages

CLICK HERE to learn about assigning a Start Page

As you are working you can Save Draft. When you're finished setting it up click PUBLISH.

How do I set Notifications?

Go to LMS > Products. Then select the Product you would like to manage notifications for.

Portal Access Invitation is for Unkown Targets that are not in your CRM yet. This is customizable.

Start Experience Email is for Known Targets that are already in your CRM. This is customizable.

How do I set my Product Pricing?

Go to LMS > Products. Then select the Product you would like to set a Price for.

You have two options: Free or Paid.

REMEMBER: You can only select the PAID option if your Unkown Targets have been set to Client in Onboarding.