OFFICE: Invoice / Estimate / Document / Expense Settings

How do I configure default settings for Invoices?

Invoice Settings give you options related to how Invoices are published, notifications, and alerts when Clients view an Invoice.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoices

Navigate to Office > Settings and click the Invoices tab in the left vertical menu bar.

Logo & Basic Info

You can set a  Logo to appear on your Invoices. Click the Select File button to upload an image. You can also drag and drop the image onto the perforated space.

Currency: Set the default Currency that your Invoices will appear in. You can also toggle the Currency Letter Code on or off.

CLICK HERE to learn more about adding Currencies

Invoice Prefix: This is what will come before the Invoice Number when generated.

Invoice Number: You can choose which number Invoices will begin generating as. They will then be generated sequentially.

Tax Decimal Numbers: Choose how many decimal places will be used when creating Taxes.

CLICK HERE to learn about My Billing Dashboard

Email Notifications

Review: You can choose to send Invoices to your account for review if they are in Draft Status.

Thank You Email: When a payment is made by the Client you can choose to send an email notification thanking them for their payment. This will include a copy of the paid Invoice the Client can download and keep for their records.

Payment Due Reminder: You can set a reminder email to be sent to the Contact. Choose how often the reminder will be sent and after how many occurrences it will stop.

Due Date Approaching: You can set a reminder email to be sent to the Contact when the Due Date of an Invoice is coming soon. Choose how many days in advance it will trigger.

You can customize the reminder emails in Email Templates.

CLICK HERE to learn about Email Templates

Other Info

You can use placeholders to fill in the "Bill To" Name. If the Invoice is assigned to a Company then [contact_name] will be populated with the Primary Contact assigned to that Company. If the Estimate or Invoice is assigned directly to an individual the [contact_name] will be populated with the name of that Contact.

Placeholders are also available for the "Bill To" Address field. 

Set default text to populate for Terms & ConditionsNote to Customer, and Payment Description while creating an Invoice.

You can choose to attach a PDF of the Invoice to the Client when it is saved as Open.

View Invoice Notification

You have the option to set Staff Member(s) to receive a notification email when a Client views an Invoice.

How do I configure default settings for Estimates?

Estimate Settings give you options related to how Estimates are published, notifications, and alerts when Clients view an Estimate.

CLICK HERE to learn about Estimates

Navigate to Office > Settings, and click the Estimates tab in the left vertical menu bar.

Logo & Basic Info

You can set a Logo to appear on your Estimates. Click the Select File button to upload an image. You can also drag and drop the image onto the perforated space.

Currency: Set the default Currency that your Estimates will appear in. You can also toggle the Currency Letter Code either on or off.

CLICK HERE to learn more about adding Currencies

Estimate Prefix: This is what will come before the Invoice Number when generated.

Estimate Number: You can choose which number Invoices will begin generating as. They will then be generated sequentially.

Expiration Reminder: Choose how many days in advance to send a reminder email notification before the Estimate expires.

Use the checkbox to automatically generate an Invoice once an Estimate is approved.

Other Info

Set default text to populate for Terms & ConditionsNote to Customer, and Payment Description while creating an Estimate.

View Estimate Notification

You have the option to set Staff Member(s) to receive a notification when a Client views an Estimate.

How do I configure default settings for Documents?

Document Settings give you the option to choose a logo to appear on generated Documents.

CLICK HERE to learn about Documents

Navigate to Office > Settings, and click the Documents tab in the left vertical menu bar.

Logo & Basic Info

You can set a Logo to appear on your Documents. Click the Select File button to upload an image. You can also drag and drop the image onto the perforated space.

Notification Settings

You have the option to set Staff Member(s) to receive a notification when a Client completes the signing of a Document.

Security Settings

If you want to allow Documents to be signed without requiring the users to log in you can enable this setting here.

You can then choose how many times the user(s) can click the access link and choose how many days the Document will remain available before the link expires.

When enabled, the link that is sent to the Contact will not require login.

In addition, you'll see a new Copy Document Link option in the Options menu button.

Click this option to copy the link to your clipboard. You can then send the link directly via Secure Messaging or any method outside of the platform.

CLICK HERE to learn about Secure Messaging

IMPORTANT: By enabling this setting, you acknowledge that HIPAA compliance cannot be guaranteed. If you are working with sensitive information that is required by law to be privacy compliant, you should NOT enable this setting.


You have the option to show images for Items, Add-on's & Packages.

To further enhance your Client experience you also have the option to show the Client a Billing Dashboard. The Billing Dashboard is an interface where your Client can go to see everything related to their billing, all in one place. The Dashboard can be enabled in Flyout>Custom Menus.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the My Billing Dashboard.

Expense Merchants

You have the option to add Expense Merchants to your Office Settings.  Expense Merchants are the Vendors who's goods, services or resources are purchased through your business.

Click the + Add Merchant button to add the Merchant Name and Description.

Expense Items

You have the option to add Expense Items. Expense Items are the expense description and cost incurred for the Goods, Services and/or resources you purchase. 

Click the + Add Expense Item button to add the Expense details.

Additionally, you can also configure automations for when the Item is added to an Invoice that is paid, it is added to an Estimate that is approved and/or the item is added to a Proposal that is signed.