My Billing Dashboard

What is the Billing Dashboard?

The Billing Dashboard is an interface where your Client can go to see everything related to their billing, all in one place.

Your Client can view their current Subscriptions, modify their stored payment information, see a total of open Invoices, and more. They can pay Invoices, approve Estimates and Proposals, or manage their Subscriptions from here.

How do I activate the Billing Dashboard

To enable or disable the Billing Dashboard go to  Flyout>Custom Menus.

Once in the Custom Menu page, click the Submenu icon for the Office Toolkit as shown below and then click the eye icon on the My Billing sub menu.

Once open you can toggle to enable the The My Billing Dashboard for Clients or you can untoggle to hide My Billing from their menu items.

TIP: Only the Client Role can access the Billing Dashboard, as this is the only Contact Role with billing-related permissions.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Custom Menus

How do I view the Billing Dashboard?

Since the Billing Dashboard can only be viewed by Clients, you'll need to Impersonate a Client or log in as a test Client.

CLICK HERE to learn about Impersonating

Navigate to Office > Invoices.

Click My Billing in the top navigation menu.


As a personalized touch, the Billing Dashboard will display your Client's avatar, name, Company (if applicable), and list any Subscription Plans they are currently on.

Payment Methods

Your Client will be able to store their payment information or delete payment information that is on file. 

TIP: Payment information that is associated with an active Subscription cannot be deleted.

CLICK HERE to learn about Stored Payment Information

Action Needed

The Dashboard will display the latest Invoices that need to be paid and the latest Estimates and Proposals that need to be approved. Clicking the Pay Invoice button will direct the Client to an Invoice screen where they can choose payment.

When there are more Invoices than can be displayed the More Action Items block appears with the number of additional items. The Client is able to Click to show complete list to view all.

Lifetime Summary and Active Subscriptions display the totals for items such as Open Invoices, Pending Estimates, Active Subscriptions, and more.

CLICK HERE to learn about Estimates

CLICK HERE to learn about Proposals

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoices

Current Subscriptions

Any Subscriptions your Client is actively on will be shown in the Dashboard with an option to Manage Subscriptions.

CLICK HERE to learn about Subscription Plans

TIP: Items will only appear on the Billing Dashboard if they have at least one. So if your business model does not send Proposals, for example, your Client will not see the Proposals section.