CRM: Settings
How do I configure my CRM Settings?
To manage Settings related to CRM, navigate to CRM > Settings.
From here, you can select the sections from the vertical menu tab.
Company Settings
This is where you will see the settings specifically for companies. Here you will see settings for Circles related to Companies and the Company Match Option that is available in Kickoff forms.
Automatically Create A Circle For Each Company You Create?
When enabled, this will automatically create a circle for any Company you create. These Circles can then be used to assign various elements in the platform such as Portal Pages, Shared Folders, etc. This also means that as Contacts are added/removed from the Company they will automatically be added/removed from the things that are assigned to that Company via the Circle.
CLICK HERE to learn about Circles
Create A Company Circle For Existing Companies?
Have you already created Companies before enabling the setting above? No worries, you can press this button to create Circles for all of the Companies already created.
CLICK HERE to learn about Circles
Company Match Option
Here you will set the percentage threshold for Company Match. This function is enabled in a Kickoff form allowing a Contact to input their Company Name in a text field. The percentage you set here will be the threshold to match how similar a Company name needs to be to assign them to an already existing Company or create a new Company. If you have this set at 75% and a Company name that is placed in the Company Input field that is 75% or more of a match to an already existing Company will be added to that existing Company. If the Company name that is placed in the Company Input field is less than 75% of a match to an existing Company, a new Company will be created.
CLICK HERE to learn about Kickoff Forms
Salesperson "Claim" Visibility Options
In SHARED Visibility Mode, when a Primary Contact represents more than one Company, then each of those Companies can be claimed by a different Salesperson. In these cases, each of those Salespersons will automatically SHARE visibility of the Primary Contact that their respective Companies have in common. Each Company can have only one primary Salesperson. That Salesperson (or an Admin) can share the visibility of that Company with other Salespersons.
A Salesperson can claim Companies that are unclaimed and they can unclaim Companies to which they are assigned. A Salesperson can claim an individual Contact who is not Primary or associated with a Company. That Salesperson (or an Admin) can share the visibility of that Contact with other Salespersons.
In EXCLUSIVE Visibility Mode, only ONE Salesperson will be allowed visibility of a Network (Primary Contact and any Companies that are represented by that Primary Contact). When a Salesperson claims or is assigned visibility to a Company or a Primary Contact, then that Salesperson will be assigned EXCLUSIVE visibility of the entire Network. If another Salesperson is currently assigned to any of the Companies in a Network and the EXCLUSIVE rules are triggered, then that Salesperson will instantly be replaced and lose visibility of the Primary Contact and all Companies in the Network.
A Salesperson can claim Companies that are unclaimed and they can unclaim Companies to which they are assigned. A Salesperson can claim an individual Contact who is not Primary or associated with any Company. That Salesperson (or an Admin) can share the visibility of that Contact with other Salespersons.
CLICK HERE to learn about Salesperson Claiming Ability.
Default Fields
Choose which Default Fields will be visible while creating a new Contact.
CLICK HERE to learn about adding Contacts
Custom Fields
Here you can choose the visibility of the Custom Fields you have created, and mark them as required to be filled out. You can also click and drag each Field to reorder them any way you'd like.
CLICK HERE to learn how to create Custom Fields.
Default Form Embed Settings
You can customize how your embedded Forms will look to your Contacts. The Settings here will be the default when creating a new Kickoff, Update or General Form, but can be individually overridden.
CLICK HERE to learn about creating Kickoff Forms
CLICK HERE to learn about creating Update Forms
CLICK HERE to learn about creating General Forms
Choose the colors for your Title, Background, Label, Subtext, and Submit Button. Then choose the text that will appear on your Submit Button. A preview is shown to the right that changes in real-time as you make adjustments.
You can optionally specify the Submit Button to lighten or darken while the cursor hovers over it and change the intensity.
The message that will appear once the form has been submitted is fully-customizable. You can also choose to disable the message and instead redirect your Contact to a custom URL.
Hide form title: Remove the Title of the Form.
Hide required message: This will remove the "Fields with * are required." text that appears by default.
Enable animated labels: Form field labels will move upwards to allow for responses. Please note that not all Form Themes can work with animation.
Remove form padding: Remove the horizontal spacing from either side of the fields and field titles.
Make form transparent: Remove the background entirely. This is useful if you are embedding the Form into a page with an image or design in the background.
Remove border from form: Remove the bottom edge and drop shadow.
Hide vertical scroll bar: By default, the Form will be sized to fit the user's screen resolution with a scroll bar if it exceeds the widow size. Removing the scroll bar will remove the ability to see the full form if added to a small window.
Add custom CSS: Advanced customization with coding.
CLICK HERE to learn about Custom CSS.
Export CSV Permissions
Choose which Roles have permission to export data from Contacts and Companies.
Click each field and choose a Role from the dropdown menu. You can add multiple Roles per field.
SMS Phone Formatting
SMS Formatting Tools are available in this settings.
Click the above button to format existing Phone Number Fields to enable SMS and ensure delivery of SMS messages. Select the Phone Field from the 'select Field' dropdown. This will show all records with incorrect Phone Formatting for the field you have selected.
You can now edit the phone numbers and add your Country codes separately by clicking the relevant record or you can toggle the 'Bulk Apply Country Code' and apply the same Country Code to all records.
Click the above button to copy Phone Number Fields to a Phone Field that you will be using as your SMS enabled field.
Select the Phone Field you would like to copy from the Source Field dropdown and select the SMS enabled field from the Target Field. You can also select your Targets via Name.
You can either bulk copy all of the fields, overwrite them or copy the fields individually.