OFFICE: Invoices

What is an Invoice?

An Invoice is a bill to your Client for goods or services. The Client receives the Invoice within the platform and can complete it by submitting payment.

You can also have your Client pay outside of the platform! More details are further below.

IMPORTANT: Any Invoices created will be based on the Time Zone specified in your Company/Profile Settings, not the individual Profile Settings of the user creating it.

CLICK HERE to learn about Company/Profile Settings

How do I create an Invoice?

To get started, navigate to Office > Invoices. Click the +Add Invoice button.

Fill out the fields to produce your Invoice.

Assign Client(s): Select the Client(s) whom you will send the Invoice. You can select multiple Clients; a unique Invoice will be generated for each.

You can duplicate the Invoice for multiple Clients. If the checkbox is selected you will be prompted to assign the Invoice to a Circle in addition to the Client(s) you have selected. Like individual users, you can select multiple Circles.

Title: This is the name of the Invoice; the Client WILL be able to see this title.

Due Date: Choose when payment for the Invoice is due. You can click one of the shortcuts underneath to automatically schedule the relative date.

Created: Choose the created date for the Invoice.

Internal Notes cannot be seen by the Client and is for Staff reference only.

Items/Addons/Packages: The services/products to be billed for.  These can all be pre-created by going to Office>Settings.

Discounts: Amount to be subtracted from the total. Using this dropdown will apply the Discount to all Billing Items.

Taxes: An amount is either added to the total, or you can select a Tax for each individual item in the Summary screen. Using this dropdown will apply the Tax to all Billing Items.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Items, Add-ons, Packages, Discounts, and Taxes

Subscription Plans: A recurring item that will initiate an auto-charge after initial payment on a set schedule.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Subscription Plans

A Summary module will update in real-time as you make your selections. You can make manual adjustments here.

You can use the icon shown above to drag and drop into your preferred order.  Additionally you can customize the picture, name and description for each Item,  Add-on and Package by clicking the relevant areas on the invoice.

Items: Show as individual line items with a barcode icon.  

Add-on's: Similar to Items, the Add-on's are shown individually however the Add-on is displayed with the below Add-on icon. 

Packages: Are displayed with the Package name and description and all Items and Add-on's included in the Package will be listed underneath the Package name as shown below.  Packages are identified by the package icon.

Discounts and Tax  is shown on each line in the respective columns.  

The Summary includes a detailed breakdown of all variables at play in the Invoice and is then followed with the Totals cost for One-Time charges and the total cost of any Subscription charges.

One-Time Charges consist of items, Add-ons and Packages that will only be charged a single time. You are presented with the total amount before and after any Taxes or Discounts have been applied.

Subscription Charges consist of Subscriptions that will be charged multiple times. If a free trial period is included, this will be shown as a "Free Trial Discount".

TIP: When a Subscription includes a free trial period, the Invoice will show that the entire amount is discounted. This is because the Invoice only charges for what is immediately owed at the time it is created.

The Grand Total is the amount that will be charged to the Client for this particular Invoice.

Currency: Choose the Currency that your Invoice will appear in. The Default Currency that you have set for your business will be automatically selected.

Allow Partial Payment: If this box is checked, it will allow the Client to pay only a portion of the Invoice. Checking the box opens up Installments.

CLICK HERE to learn about Installment Payments

Disable Online Payments for this Invoice: When enabled, the Client will not have an option to pay online. This will be applied automatically if you do not have a Gateway set up.

Use a third-party link to payment: You can set a custom third-party link for payment. Note: Payment will not be tracked and will need to be recorded manually.

Available Gateway(s): Choose your Payment Gateway. You can select from the Gateways that you have created. Note: You must set up a Gateway before it can be applied to an Invoice.

IMPORTANT: If you have chosen Stripe ACH as your Payment Gateway, the billing cycle must be monthly or higher for Subscription Plans.

Custom Fields: Any Invoice Custom Fields you create will show here. Check the box to include the field on the Invoice.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoice Custom Fields

You can assign Automations to trigger when the Invoice is Paid. They will only trigger once the Invoice is marked as fully paid.

CLICK HERE to learn about Automations

Invoice #: This will be auto-generated in the field. Saving the Invoice as a Draft will not create an Invoice Number.

Send Client a New Invoice notification: If this box is checked a notification will be sent to the Client when the Invoice is in Open Status.

Send thank you after payment: When enabled, the Client will automatically receive a "thank you" email once payment is completed. (This does not apply to Subscription payments processed after the initial payment.)

TIP: If you want to enable digital payment, you must set up and apply a Payment Gateway. Otherwise, the Client will have to send cash or a check to a physical address.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Payment Gateways

You can fill in Terms & Conditions, any additional Notes, and a Payment Description that will be visible to your Client on the Invoice. If you have entered text for these areas in the Invoice Settings, they will auto-fill here.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoice Settings

Attach Files: You can select File(s) or drag and drop them into the File Attachment box. 

CLICK HERE for more info on File Attachments

Once you are finished creating your Invoice, you can either Save as Open or Save as Draft

Open: The Invoice will be active. It will appear under Office > Invoices for the Client(s) it has been assigned to.

Draft: It will save the creation process but will not be visible to the Client. It will also not generate the Invoice Number until it is saved as Open.

Organization Address: This is info pertaining to your company.

"Bill To" Name: This is who the Invoice is assigned to. 

"Bill To" Address: This is the address of who the Invoice is assigned to. 

You can make use of the available placeholders to populate the correct information. If these settings are blank the Invoice will use the default global Invoice settings.

CLICK HERE for more info on Global Invoice Settings

Can I further customize my Invoice?

Yes! You can add your logo, add a default Prefix, and other customizations to your Invoice.

CLICK HERE for more information on Invoice Settings

 You can also add  Custom Fields! This way, you can add fields such as Tax Identification Number, Customer Address, etc.

CLICK HERE to learn Invoice Custom Fields

What does the Client See?

Your Client will be able to access the Invoice by navigating to Office > Invoices.

Using the Options menu button (3 dots) they can View the Invoice, view Attached Files, or Make Payment.

If View is selected, the Client can click the Pay Now button to continue into the payment screen.

IMPORTANT: If you created the Invoice with the Do not offer Online Payment option selected, the "Pay Now" button will not appear.

The Payment Preference options will depend on which Payment Gateways you selected while creating the Invoice. Typically you'll only want to select one of the credit card options (Braintree, Stripe, or if you want to use that method. You can choose this alongside PayPal and Stripe ACH.

The Client will be able to input their own Notes along with the payment.

If the Client has any Stored Payment Information, they will have the choice to pay with the saved method or pay with a new one.

CLICK HERE to learn about Stored Payment Information

When selecting a new credit card option the Client will be prompted to input their credit card details.

When selecting a new bank account the Client will be prompted to input their bank account details.

Please note that if this option is chosen they will not be able to submit payment until the verification process is complete.

CLICK HERE to learn about ACH Payments

When selecting PayPal, the Client will be directed to the PayPal login screen and will follow the steps there to complete payment.

TIP: If no discounts are included in the Invoice, the "Discount" column will not be shown. In addition, if there are no One-Time Charges or no Subscription Charges, the respective section will not be visible.

What if I want the Client to pay outside of the platform?

If you don't want your Client to have to log in to pay the Invoice, you can simply provide them with a Payment Link.

When the Client pays via this method the transaction will still be recorded within the platform.

In Office > Invoices, click the Options menu of an Invoice that is in Open Status and select Copy Payment Link.

You can provide this link to your Client, such as through an email. The link will direct them to the Invoice and will appear just as it does in the platform.

You can test this link by opening a private or different browser and pasting it into the address bar. Please note that if you view the Invoice from this link it will show as viewed by the client however you can use the 'Mark Unseen' option to reset the Invoice to unseen.

What if the Client pays via a different method?

If your Client pays for the Invoice but not through the specified Payment Gateway, you can mark it as Paid as a Super Admin or Admin.

Navigate to Office > Invoices and find the Invoice you would like to set as Paid. Click the Options menu button and select Record Payment.

A modal will appear with a summary of the Invoice. Choose the payment method from the Payment Type dropdown menu.

If you have added any additional Payment Types, they will show up here.

CLICK HERE to learn about Payment Types

You can put in any details regarding the payment in the Note field and can choose to send the standard payment confirmation email to your Client. You can also click Attach Files to include attachments in the record. If you choose to send a "Thank You" after payment the attached files will be included in that email.

How do I view Payment history?

To view a history of payments made for Invoices, navigate to Office > Invoices.

Then, click Payments in the top navigation menu bar.

Here you will be able to see information on all Payments made to Invoices, including Partial and Manual Payments.

To download your payments to a CSV click Export while in List View. This will export ALL payments. 

To Export specific payments click Filter then put in your criteria. For this example, we want to only export payments made with a credit card. I clicked Filter, chose credit card as the type of payment, then selected Export. Only those three payments that came up with the filter are included in  the CSV.