STAFF: Onboarding and Managing your Staff

On-Boarding New Staff Members

Your Staff consists of your employees and/or business partners. The Roles you assign them to will determine their level of access and authority to modify contents.

How do I add a Staff Member?

To get started, navigate to Flyout Menu > Manage Staff.

From here, click the  +Add Staff Member button.

Add Staff Member Form

The Add Staff Member form is where you can add all the important data you need to have for your Staff Member.

Staff Role

Choose a  Role for your Staff Member. You can choose between Admin, Project Manager, Office Manager, Teammate, Salesperson, or Freelancer.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Internal Roles

Portal Access

The  Portal Access Invitation contains a link for the Staff Member to activate their account and set their password. If you choose NOT to send this Invite immediately the account will remain Inactive until you do.

Select Teams

Select a Team for your Staff Member. 

CLICK HERE to learn more about Teams

Staff Details

Here is where all the personal details for your Staff will be added such as their name, contact details, and pay rate.

Profile Picture: You can upload an avatar or profile picture for your Staff Member. This is an optional field and if nothing is uploaded the Staff Members initials will be used as the avatar. The Staff Member will have the option to upload their own image via their edit profile page. 

Email: Enter the email address of your Staff Member. This will be the email address they use to login to the portal and where all portal notifications will be sent.

First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name: The First Name field is required but Middle and Last Name are optional. 

Display Name: This is the name that the Staff User will see on the left side menu and in the flyout menu. Their Display Name will also be used when Dynamic Data Placeholders are used to display this version of their name. 

Phone: Enter the phone number of your Staff Member. 

Time Zone: You can enter the Time Zone of your Staff Member here. The Staff Member will have a chance to change this on registration if needed.

Hourly Rate: If you would like to set an Hourly Rate to base on for payment to your Staff member, you can set it here. The value that is entered here will automatically be filled for this user whenever they create a new Timer in a Project. 

Set Hourly Rate as Private: If you choose to Set the hourly rate as private, they will not be able to see this value (either in their Profile or when creating a new Timer). This is useful for instances where you are billing Clients a particular amount for a Teammate or Freelancer's work, but don't necessarily want that user to know that billing amount.

Email marketing

You have the option to add your Staff Member to an Email Audience so that you can send Marketing Campaigns and Drip Sequences.

Folder Generator

If you have created a Staff Folder Generator you can apply it now so it is added prior to the Staff Member accessing their Portal (Tip: The Folder Generator can generate with Files that are already added, this is a great way to share Company Procedures or information that needs to be accessible by Staff Members)

CLICK HERE to learn more about Folder Generators


If you have a Staff Checklist created and you would like to assign it to this Staff Member you can do so here. 

CLICK HERE to learn more about Checklists

On-Boarding FLOW

Staff On-Boarding FLOWs can be applied during the creation of the Staff Profile. If an On-Boarding Flow is assigned, it will be waiting for the Staff Member when they first log into their Portal.

CLICK HERE to learn more about FLOWs

LMS Product(s)

LMS Products can be added to the Staff Members Portal.  This could be general LMS Products that are available to Clients and/or you could create OnBoarding or Staff only LMS products and apply them here.

CLICK HERE to learn more about LMS

Other Info

If you have created Staff Custom Fields they will be listed under the Other Info section of the form.  Any that you have created as Compulsory will show a star and you must add data in order to save the new Staff Profile.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Custom Fields

How do I manage my Staff Members?

In Flyout Menu > Manage Staff you can click on the Options menu button (3 dots) next to any Staff Member to make changes to their account or to interact with them.

Edit: Update the information that was provided during creation.

Impersonate: This allows you to view the platform as this user would.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Impersonating

Copy Integration UID: This is the integration ID.

Copy Custom UID: This is the Unique Link to the Staff Member's profile.

Send Message: Send a Message to your Staff Member. This will bring you to the Create New Message page with the recipient already selected.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Secure Messaging

Change Password: You can change the Staff Member's password if they are having trouble accessing the Portal.

Assign On-Demand FLOW: Once a Staff Member has a Profile, you can add On-Demand Staff FLOWs.

Apply Folder Generator: Staff Folder Generators can be added.

Set Inactive: Disable the Staff Member's access to the platform and remove them from any assigned Projects. They will be moved to the Inactive Staff tab.

How do I delete or restore a Staff Member?

Navigate to Flyout Menu > Manage Staff > Inactive Staff tab.

Set Active will move the Staff Member back to the STAFF tab. Or, you can Delete the Staff Member to completely remove them from the platform.

IMPORTANT: If you Delete an Inactive Staff Member it cannot be undone and you will need to create a new profile for them.