CRM Contact & Company Dashboard

What is the CRM Contact/Company Dashboard?

The CRM Contact Dashboard is your one-stop overview of a particular Contact. You can view and edit things such as their profile information, their password, Notes, Deals, etc.

Similarly, the CRM Company Dashboard is your one-stop overview of a particular Company. You can view and edit things such as the Company information, associated Contacts, Notes, Deals, etc.

You can accomplish many different tasks without navigating away from this page.

Where do I find the CRM Contact Dashboard?

First, navigate to CRM > Contacts.

You'll need to have a Contact already created in order to view their CRM Contact Dashboard.

CLICK HERE to learn about creating a Contact

Click on the Contact of your choice to view that Contact's CRM Dashboard. You will see an overview of the Contact's profile, as well as many different elements that you can interact with.

Where do I find the CRM Company Dashboard?

First, navigate to CRM > Companies.

You'll need to have a Company already created in order to view the CRM Company Dashboard.

CLICK HERE to learn about creating a Company

Click on the Company of your choice to view that Company's CRM Dashboard. You will see an overview of the Company profile, as well as many different elements that you can interact with.

Navigation Menu Bar

By default, you will be on the Home tab of the CRM Contact/Company Dashboard. You can access many different areas of the platform while staying on the CRM Dashboard page and will only view items that are assigned to this specific Contact.

Events: View this Contact's Events, which are preset scheduled reminders that you can see on your Calendar.

CLICK HERE to learn about Events

Notes: View a list of Notes for this Contact, which are textual records of extra information regarding this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Notes

Deals: View this Contact's Deals. This is a mechanism to help you track sales progress.

CLICK HERE to learn about Deals

Files: This will direct you to the Contact's "Client Files" folder.

CLICK HERE to learn about Files

Forms: You can view all Form Submissions for the Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Forms

Projects: View a list of Projects this Contact is assigned to.

CLICK HERE to learn about Projects

Tasks: View a list of Tasks that this Contact is assigned to.

CLICK HERE to learn about Tasks

RE: Tasks: View a list of "Related to" Tasks, which are informal Tasks specifically related to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about RE: Tasks

Invoices: View a list of Invoices that are assigned to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoices

Expenses: View a list of Expenses that are assigned to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Expenses

Estimates: View a list of Estimates that are assigned to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Estimates

Proposals: View a list of Proposals that are assigned to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Proposals

Documents: View a list of Documents that are assigned to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Documents

Payments: View a list of Payments that are assigned to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Payments

Email Logs: This will show a log of the date/time, Subject, and Message for all emails sent to this Contact/Company.  

Login Logs: This will show a log of the date/time and IP address of all login attempts by this Contact/Company.

The Login Status column will indicate successful logins, as well as failed login attempts with the reasoning (incorrect Password, incorrect 2FA One-Time code, etc.)

Quick Action Header

The avatar of the Contact you are viewing, as well as their Role, will be shown at the top left-hand corner of the screen. You can click the arrow to bring up a Quick Switch field in which you can quickly switch to a different CRM Dashboard.

You can assign a new Coordinator to your Contact in a similar way. The avatar of the current Coordinator, as well as their Role, will be shown at the top of the screen.

Choose a different user to assign as this Contact's Coordinator by clicking on the avatar of the current Coordinator and then selecting a new Staff Member from the dropdown menu.

Click the icon to configure Salesperson Visibility. This allows the restriction of visibility for Staff Members with the Salesperson role through "claiming" a Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Salesperson Visibility

Click the + icon for a list of things you can do related to the Contact. For most of these automations, you will remain on the CRM Dashboard page.

Add Note: Create a textual record of extra information regarding this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Notes

Add Deal: Create a Deal for your Contact. This is a mechanism to help you track sales progress.

CLICK HEREto learn about Deals

Add Event: Create an Event, which is a preset scheduled reminder that you can see on your Calendar.

CLICK HERE to learn about Events

Send Message: Create a new Secure Message to your Contact within the platform.

CLICK HERE to learn about Secure Messaging

Upload Files: This will direct you to the Contact's "Client Files" folder.

CLICK HERE to learn about Files

Assign FLOW: Apply an On-Demand FLOW for your User to action.

CLICK HERE to learn about FLOWs

Assign Checklist: Apply a standalone Checklist for a Prospect or Client to action. 

CLICK HERE to learn about Checklists

Create RE: Task: Create a "Related to" Task, which is an informal Task specifically related to this Contact.

CLICK HEREto learn about RE: Tasks

Create Invoice: This will create a new Invoice with this Contact already assigned.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoices

Generate Document: This will create a new Document for the Contact so sign.

CLICK HERE to learn about Documents

Grant LMS Product: This will set the Contact as the Owner of an LMS Product.

CLICK HERE to learn about LMS

Remove LMS Product: This will remove the Contact as the Owner of an LMS Product.

CLICK HERE to learn about LMS

Trigger Automations Template: This will allow the Contact to select a Template from the dropdown.

CLICK HERE to learn about Automation Templates

Folder Generator: This will apply a Folder Generator to this Contact, which is a predefined folder structure that you create in advance.

CLICK HERE to learn about Folder Generators

Project Generator: This will apply a Project Generator and assign it to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Project Generators

Task Template: This will apply a Task Template to a Project the Contact is already assigned to.

CLICK HERE to learn about Task Templates

Apply OD Invoice Generator: This will apply an On-Demand Invoice Generator to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Invoice Generators

Event(s) Generator: This will apply an Event Generator to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Event Generators

Recurring Generator: This will assign a Recurring Generator to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Recurring Generators

Accumulating Generator: This will assign an Accumulating Generator to this Contact.

CLICK HERE to learn about Accumulating Generators

Dynamic Proposal Generator: This will assign a Dynamic Proposal Generator to this Contact.

Click the edit person icon to access Manage Profile

Impersonate: Simulate this Contact's account to see what they see.

CLICK HERE to learn about Impersonating

Quick Data: View, Update, and Sort this Contact's data. This will bring you to the Dynamic Data view.

CLICK HERE to learn about Dynamic Data View

Set Placeholder Links: You can set link for /your-project/your-files/your-calendar, and /your-start-page.

CLICK HERE to learn about Placeholder Links

Resend Invite: Resend the Contact their Portal Access Invitation. This will only show up if the Contact has not already accepted their portal invitation.

CLICK HERE to learn about Portal Access Invitation

Copy Invite Link: This will copy the link to your clipboard. This will only show up if the Contact has not already accepted their portal invitation.

Change Password: This allows you to manually update the Contact's password. This will only show up if the Contact has accepted their portal invitation.

Set Inactive: This will disable the Contact's account and move them to the Inactive tab. 

CLICK HERE to learn about Setting a Contact Inactive

Clicking the X icon will take you back to your list of Contacts.